
Just revised! Exploring With GPS

Revised and updated April 2019 to include GLONASS and Galileo GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite systems) and an updated list of mapping software and other resources, as well as many other changes and updates. Available on Amazon.

Newly Revised! Hiking Arizona

Hiking Arizona cover

Just released, the 5th revision of Hiking Arizona, the guide to the best hikes across the incredible diversity of Arizona. First published in 1987, Hiking Arizona was the very first hiking guide to cover the entire state. This revision updates trailheads, GPS coordinates, and contact info, and features full color maps and photos.


Best Easy Day Hikes Palm Springs and Coachella Valley

Grand Canyon Tips

Updated February 2015

Exploring Great Basin National Park

Exploring Great Basin National Park: Including Mount Moriah Wilderness

Both the Kindle and print editions were revised and completely reformatted for improved readability. The print edition uses a clearer typeface as well.

Revised and Updated January 2015

Google Nexus 2013 cover

Both the Kindle and print editions were revised and updated January 2015 to cover Android Kitkat 4.4.4. For coverage of Lillipop 5.02, watch for my forthcoming book, Running Android, due out in late February. Google Nexus 2013: Making Your Android Tablet Work for You.

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